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Friday, January 12, 2007

Mothering Magazine Babywearing Issue

SoBeBabies: As Featured in the Mothering Magazine Babywearing Special Issue
BUCKLE WAIST BELT: Ergo Baby Carrier Mothering Magazine Photo SCOOT BABY ONTO YOUR BACK: Ergo Baby Carrier Mothering Magazine Photo BRING UP PANEL AND SHOULDER STRAPS: Ergo Baby Carrier Mothering Magazine Photo
BUCKLE STERNUM STRAP: Ergo Baby Carrier Mothering Magazine PhotoTIGHTEN SHOULDER STRAPS: Ergo Baby Carrier Mothering Magazine PhotoCHECK THAT PANEL IS HIGH ON BABY'S BACK AND BABY IS SEATED DEEPLY IN THE CARRIER: Ergo Baby Carrier Mothering Magazine Photo

Check me out! I haven't blogged here in a while because I was just bursting with the knowledge that I'd be in a magazine! I've had articles published before but never my actual photo! What an honor! I am so thrilled that M'liss included me and my two websites in this Mothering Magazine Babywearing special issue.

It was such a scramble to get the photos done. She knew exactly what she wanted but I only had a short time to get set up. Normally, I photograph outside but this needed a neutral background so I had to try to do the best I could with limited resources in a really short amount of time. I duct taped (gawd, I love duct tape!) a sheet to the wall of my balcony, cleared away all the furniture, and brought out all the lamps I own. I put a thin gauze cloth against the screen to block harsh shadows and then I waited for the light to come at the ideal angle. My younger daughter, pictured in the photos was so fussy. It was the third photo shoot in as many days and she really was quite done with all this. It was my older daughter who really saved my sanity. With the camera on a tripod, she patiently took photo after photo when I told her to click.

It turns out that the credit is for Sobebaby instead of SoBeBabies but it's really SoBeBabies! And there is also a mention of The Ergo Lady in the resources section! I am beyond thrilled! I have worked so hard on the Tips and Tricks section and I am so proud of it. That reminds me - I have to update it to include a tip I got from a mom of a four month old who wasn't quite big enough to sit with his legs open in the Ergo. She puts one foot in. Great tip from Michelle! And remember that these tips are good for all structured (soft pack) baby carriers.

Favorite Baby Carrier