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Friday, August 31, 2007

Security - an education in online secure sites

Ordering online is definitely risky. In fact, it is riskier than I had been led to believe. It's not as simple as looking for a secure site. Credit card fraud and identity theft are running rampant these days and it is not always easy to tell the source. I recently got a call from American Express due to suspicious activity on my card and it turns out that someone was charging up mostly innocuous online charges that I might have otherwise missed, such as stamps.com.

As a vendor, there are more risks than I'd realized too, but I will get to that shortly.

First let me start with what I have learned as a consumer.

When I first set up my website, I used PayPal to process my orders. That was very secure. However, I lost a lot of ...read more

Monday, August 06, 2007

SoBeBabies Giving Back

I find it very rewarding to use some of our profits to help support charities.

We just donated a sling to support a member of TheBabyWearer.com who is in a very difficult situation.
The Baby Wearer Raffle

We have also donated money and/or baby carriers to:
  • NINO (Nine In Nine Out - now defunct)

We also believe in donating time to advocacy. I have been led regular meetings for the past three years. Some meetings include:

  • Attachment Parenting (API leader)*
  • Babywearing (NINO leader)**
  • Introduction to Attachment Parenting, Babywearing and Cloth Diapers*

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Zolowear iParenting Award

ZoloWear has been awarded the iParenting Media Outstanding Product Award!

We are so excited to have these slings in. They are among the prettiest baby slings available and the craftwomanship is gorgeous.

Favorite Baby Carrier