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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SoBeBabies Gift Registry!

Great news! Enjoy our new gift registry! Sign up for the gifts of your choice and share your list with family and friends!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

CPSIA Impacts on Children's Apparel Industry

I don't like to post about stuff that I don't fully understand, but something has to be done. So I am sharing what I currently understand the situation to be and I urge you to do your own research, come back and comment, and spread the word.

I just signed this petition mentioned below. It is all very confusing but it looks like there was legislation enacted that baby carrier manufacturers in the USA all missed but that could affect all manufacturers and perhaps put them out of business if they are found out as not having done the required expensive testing. The deadline is either November or Feb. The intentions are obviously good, but something seems misguided about it all. It seems it would require every single type and color of fabric or other material to be individually tested. And there seems to be an underlying assumption that baby carriers are more like a toy, than, say, a mom's coat, if you see what I mean; the latter would not be subject to the same requirements. Many things around the house get mouthed by babies. This legislature seems designed (intentionally or not) to put the industry out of business. It would certainly affect me and could leave me, literally, holding the bag with a lot of inventory I could not legally sell for use with babies.

Here is the petition link:

Monday, December 01, 2008

Going Green With Baby book

My dear friend, Jennifer Lo Prete, coauthor of the Itsabelly blog, did me the honor of asking me to write some sections for a book that has just been published called Itsabelly's Guide to Going Green with Baby.

I am thrilled to finally be able to see what she's been working so hard on. This book is wonderful. Read my review!

Favorite Baby Carrier