Here is some not very sexy information taken from
Isabel de los Rios' presentation at
Transformation Domination. I've already been following Isabel's program (The Diet Solution Program) for some time, but I did not understand some very basic information. To be honest, when she started talking about the liver, I started to prep my mind for the college empty hole place where you set your features to attentive and try to keep your eyes open. The truth is, I was not faking being attentive; this stuff is fascinating! And so helpful!
So, without consulting my notes, here is my understanding of what was said. Any errors are my own!
When you don't eat properly, which pretty much sums up the Standard American Diet (SAD), you take in lots of toxins. These would flow around your blood and pretty much kill you within a very short period so your liver cleans them out and tucks them away into fat cells to protect you. Nice. Only, then you not only have these jacked up fat cells (I actually don't know what "jacked up" but Isabel said it a lot and it sounds good), you've still got the toxins instead of having gotten rid of them as a waste product.
So you want to detox. We've all heard of that. Mostly, I think of intestinal cleansing. But maybe that's not all there is to it! Huh! Who knew? It's about clearing out those fat cells.
We're all afraid to eat fat; everyone has it stuck in their heads that they should avoid it or they will get fat. But we
need fat in our diets and we will hold onto the stored toxic fat if we don't get clean fat coming in. Plus water.
So in a very over simplified view of detoxing, you need lots of water, plus healthy fats, plus clean foods, to clear out the toxic fat cells. It's really as simple as that!
This is totally from memory now, so again, forgive any errors as they are my own!
Water: in ounces, half your body weight in pounds, daily. Carry a water bottle! I recommend Kleen Kanteen stainless steel and reverse osmosis filtered water from home so you save money and the environment. I took a five gallon container with me to the conference because it was driving distance for us but when I fly, I just buy gallons at the super market and refill my water bottles from that.
Healthy fats:
Examples are raw nuts (not peanut or cashew, the former being highly allergenic and the latter being not a truly raw product as it requires heat to extract the nut from its shell), coconut oil, raw olive oil, raw butter (grassfed organic of course), and some other stuff I've forgotten. Get her program!
Clean foods:
Just quit wheat, dude. Trust me. Yes, that includes bread, cereal, pasta, cake, donuts, etc. You might even want to give up all grains and potatoes for a few weeks to kick start. And quit milk too. Yup. You can do without cereal for breakfast, I kid you not. In fact nothing but single ingredient foods. Why? Because you are going to want to keep a food log of every ingredient and it's too hard to type that stuff up. Okay, that's not why. I believe you'll know why once you read labels. If it comes in a box, it's probably not food.
Now go let your liver stop tucking away fat in your blood cells and go start clearing out the toxins you have been storing all your life!